Our Facilities
Smithereen Farm has a mission to serve as a local food hub with many tools for adding value, from drying wild-harvested herbs, seaweed, and berries, to creating jams and preserves from local fruits.
If you are interested in touring or using the space, please contact [email protected].
At the Smithereen Farmstore, we stock goods from many Washington County and Maine producers—vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, dairy, eggs, frozen berries, bread, tea, honey, fermentations, preserves, and more. Interested in selling your goods? Contact [email protected]
We’re proud to partner with mycologist Sue Van Hook on the research and development of MycoBuoys™ growing mushroom buoys for various mariculture uses. Learn more about Mycobuoys™ here. In 2024, the project has outgrown the little outbuilding where it started, but it continues in full momentum in a bigger space.
The MycoLab contains:
The Minke Commercial Kitchen
The Minke Commercial Kitchen, located at 13 Little Falls Road in Pembroke has been renovated to provide space for value-added production, for Smithereen Farm and to share with other local farms. This facility is licensed by the state of Maine. Depending on what you might want to make, you will need to get your own product processes approved with the state, and will need to have your own “processing license.” We can help you navigate the process! Kitchen manager Nadine Biss has gotten pretty good at the paperwork.
Want to check out The Minke facilities? Schedule an appointment to come by to check out the facilities anytime we are open. Cooking, drying, grinding, freezing, packing, bagging… we have lots of good equipment and we’d love to share with other Washington County food businesses.
Your input and ideas are really important to us as we keep improving the space and make good processes.
Drying Greenhouses
We have several greenhouses used for solar-drying seaweed, herbs, and berries.
Next on the list:
Bulk ordering
We have relationships with bulk suppliers of materials for growing, harvesting, and producing value-added products. We can take advantage of bulk discounts and save on freight costs. Currently we are bulk-ordering:
Next on the list:
As you can see, we are gaining some momentum and are excited for what’s next! If you have ideas for other activities that could benefit the local farm economy of Washington County, we are all ears.
If you are a food producer in Washington County, please fill out this survey.